Register for Fertile Ground 2025

Registration for the 2025 Fertile Ground Festival opens November 1, 2024.
The last day to register without a late fee is December 31, 2024; late registrations will be accepted with a $30 fee through January 15, 2025.

Get Ready…

How much does it cost to register for Fertile Ground?

Registration for a single project or title is $135. If you are planning to produce multiple projects/titles under the same producing organization or individual artist, you may register additional titles for $25 each. We do not want any producer to pay more than $310 for Festival participation, so on the online registration form, you will only be able to register up to 8 projects, capping your registration fee at $310. If you have more than 8 projects or titles to register, please proceed with registering your first 8 and email to get your final titles registered at no additional cost.

If the $135 registration fee is prohibitive for you or your organization, we do have limited work-trade registration spots available. In this arrangement, you/your organization agrees to work 10 volunteer hours in front of house or concessions at one of our Fertile Ground Partner Venues (21Ten, CoHo, Back Door) in exchange for a single registration. Please contact Festival Director Tamara Carroll if you would like to explore the work-trade registration opportunity.

What do I need in order to register for Fertile Ground?

We are working to make Fertile Ground registration as simple as possible! For the 2025 Festival, only basic information is required in order to register; you will be asked to provide further details and promotional assets once regular registration closes on December 31st. The registration form at the link below will require producers to provide the following basic information:

Number of Projects Registering
Project Title(s)
Performance Type (select from provided options)

What you do NOT need to tell us yet are:
Show Dates/Times
Ticket Price(s)
Detailed Project Description(s)


Accessing Website and Venues

Please email Tamara Carroll at to get help navigating our website or ticketing system, if you have questions about the accessibility of performances and venues, or any other questions, concerns, or feedback.

Quick Links

Festival Lineup

Audience Information

Logo for Fertile Ground
