Rogue Pack

Moreland Presbyterian Church (1814 SE Bybee Blvd. Portland, OR 97202)

  • April 12, 7:30 p.m.
  • April 13, 7:30 p.m.

Rock Dojo founder Brian Parham blends metal music, martial arts, and fantasy into an epic rock musical for kids and families.

Jason Weed directs it. Metal musician Andrew Stromstad serves as musical director and plays the wicked god of metal music. The play includes a cast of local children.

Summary: When an enigmatic spirit of rock music known as the Guitar Sensei summons Destiny and her younger brother Elijah from the depths of the salt mines where they toil as slaves in an evil empire, they discover a looming threat over their village. Ahriman, the wicked god of metal music, plots its destruction. Their only hope? Outplaying this dark deity in a high-stakes guitar duel.

Will they defeat Ahriman in a six-string showdown and save their village, or will his malevolent plan destroy everything and everyone they hold dear?


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